Reserve Closure

This reserve will close at 1pm on Wednesday 18th September for an all staff meeting. It will reopen as normal on Thursday 19th September.


In the shadow of St Michael's Mount near Penzance, Marazion Marsh is Cornwall's largest reedbed. With more than 250 bird, 500 plant, 500 insect and 18 mammal species having been recorded here.

Over the years, the reserve has become an important wintering site for Bitterns and a regular stopover for the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler.

In some years, starlings roost here from October to December, attracting aerial predators such as Buzzards and Sparrowhawks as they arrive at dusk. The Starlings are continental birds and their spectacular aerial acrobatics over the reedbeds – murmurations – are a sight worth seeing.

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