Reserve Closure

Some of our facilities will be closed on 18 September for an all staff meeting. The reserve trails will be accessible to visitors. Please check locally for more details. All facilities will reopen as normal on Thursday 19th September.


Mousa is a small, wild island in Shetland, uninhabited since the nineteenth century. Discover one of the UK's largest Storm Petrel breeding colonies, and the Broch of Mousa, a 2000-year-old Iron Age drystone tower.

Through spring and summer, Mousa hums with breeding populations, such as Black Guillemots and Arctic Terns, Harbour Seals, Great Skuas, Snipe, Ringed Plover, Redshank, Oystercatcher and Dunlin.

We've been studying and monitoring Storm Petrels, Arctic Terns and Arctic and Great Skuas here since the early 1980s. Today, we also monitor Red-throated Divers, waders, Shags and Harbour and Grey Seals.

The Mousa Ferry operates between April to September, every day except Saturdays. A visit to this wild island is unforgettable. Do remember though, there are no facilities on the island, so why not bring a picnic with you?

At a glance

See what’s here

Storm Petrel Trip | The Mousa Boat

The night time price is £30 for adults and £10 Children. The daytime sailings are £18 for adults and £8 for Children. The RSPB receive no income from the boat fare, so please do consider using our donation cairn to donate to our work here

Contact Mousa