
Nature WOW!

Delight in the incredible spectacles nature has to offer. All of nature has a 'wow factor' but there are some things that are just extra special – welcome to your nature WOW! 

Silhouette of a tree along a flat horizon, set against a purple and orange sky marked by concentric circles of startrails.

This Experiencing Nature activity can be completed as part of Families Wild Challenge.

Estimated time: 3-4 hours Season: All year Skill level: Easy


Choose a natural spectacle – like stargazing – or an amazing landscape you’ve never visited before.

You may need to book guided events. Our reserves pages are a great place to get ideas.

Durdle door, seen from the cliffs above, looking across the beach and out to sea.

Go out and be wow-ed!

Enjoy the moment.

Partnering with

The RSPB is a member of BirdLife International.More