Reserve Closure

Some of our facilities will be closed on 18 September for an all staff meeting. The reserve trails will be accessible to visitors. Please check locally for more details. All facilities will reopen as normal on Thursday 19th September.


Dingle Marshes is much more than just marshland. It’s a rich patchwork of habitats, including freshwater reedbed, shingle, coastal marsh, salty lagoons and forest, that attracts an array of wildlife. Listen out for booming Bitterns, look out for sky-dancing Marsh Harriers, and marvel at Yellow Horned-poppy and Sea Kale under the wide Suffolk skies.

The reserve is part of one of the largest freshwater reedbeds in the UK, home to breeding Bitterns, Marsh Harriers and Bearded Tits. In summer, Dingle Marshes comes alive with singing warblers. The reedbeds are protected from the sea by a shingle bank, where plants like Sea Kale and Yellow Horned-poppy grow.

We manage the reserve with wildlife in mind. This involves cutting areas of reedbed on rotation to create the ideal conditions for our breeding birds. The reserve is protected from the sea by a long shingle spit.  The shingle-nesting birds and wildlife are vulnerable to disturbance, so some sections may be fenced off for their protection. 

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