
Nature's Future

Welcome to the Spring 2024 issue of Nature’s Future. Our newsletter will show you some of the conservation work made possible thanks to gifts left in Wills to the RSPB.

On this page

Operation Turtle Dove

Turtle Dove numbers in the UK have dropped significantly since the 1970s. Find out more about the steps we’re taking to help to prevent a bleak future for this iconic bird.

Download our Spring 2024 newsletter and see what you can make possible

A Turtle Dove in a hawthorn bush.

Previous Nature's Future newsletters...

Keeping an eye on our seabirds

A lone Great Skua flying over a meadow.

East coast wetlands boost

Lone Stone-curlew stood in shallow water, leant over to find food beneath the surface.

The call of the Curlew

A curlew walking through a field of yellow grass.

Bringing nature back to the Lake District

Restoring our precious peatlands

Flat wetland landscape partly covered by snow, with a mountain in the distance.

Good news for Tristan seabirds

A Tristan Albatross landing on the ocean surface with small waves.

Discover the UK's rainforests

Old mossy fir trees and fern leaves close-up, tree trunks in the background.

Little Terns: a bird on the brink

A pair of adult Little Terns with their chicks, one is coming in to land with a small fish in it's beak.

Contact us


Fiona McCreadie

Legacy Adviser – Wales & Northern Ireland
01978 808186

Olivia Holmes

Legacy Adviser – South West England
01172 338166

Reece Weight

Legacy Adviser – Greater London & South East England
01273 610071

Sarah Hey

Legacy Adviser - North England
01937 227114

Tom Reed

Legacy Adviser – Central England
01773 303239

Sadhbh Breslin

Legacy Adviser – Scotland
0131 215 1996

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This guide will help you get started on making a Will and show how your gift will protect nature.

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