
Make a Hedgehog cafe

With the UK population of Hedgehogs declining alarmingly, it’s vital that we give our prickly friends a home in our gardens.

A wooden Hedgehog box feeding station, including; straw and grass.

Feed the hungry hogs in your garden to help them build energy for raising hoglets, and fat reserves for their long winter hibernation. One way to do this is to build a feeding station in your garden with lots of hedgehog-friendly food and water. 

You won't get any takers in winter when all your hogs are fast asleep, but you can start your feeding at any other season if there are hogs around.

Estimated time: 1-2 hours Season: All year Skill level: Advanced


Find a safe place for your cafe

Find a safe cosy place for your cafe. It should be in a quiet, sheltered and safe spot.

Before they find shelter, Hedgehogs need to be able to get in and out of your garden to start with. Start by creating nature's highways and byways.

A lone Hedgehog sat on top of a moss covered log.

Find a box for your cafe

Get a sturdy box (wood or plastic) with a removable lid for your feeding station. It needs to be big enough for a Hedgehog to fit in, along with food and water bowls. A plastic storage box is a popular choice. You can also install a tunnel to prevent cats or foxes stealing the food.

Partnering with

The RSPB is a member of BirdLife International.More