
Beckingham Marshes is a thriving wet grassland and hay meadow reserve, found in the Trent Valley. At Beckingham Marshes, we work with a local grazier and the Environment Agency to encourage wetland wildlife to return.

The wet grazing marsh habitat we are working to re-establish provides ideal conditions for a host of species – particularly breeding wading birds, such as Lapwings and Redshanks – but also Skylarks, dragonflies and damselflies, amphibians and a variety of aquatic plants.

The reserve’s hedgerows provide a home for our thriving colony of Tree Sparrows, as well as food for winter thrushes, nesting sites for small birds and mammals and habitat for a variety of insects. A mix of native hedgerow species such as Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Damson create ideal habitat corridors along the boundaries of the site.

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