
Our first reserve on the Isle of Wight, Brading Marshes stretches from the village of Brading to the sea at Bembridge Harbour. It's a haven for a wide array of wildlife, ranging from Buzzards, Little Egrets, Green Woodpeckers and Marsh Harriers to butterflies, Hobbies and Red Squirrels.

Brading Marshes is great if you're new to birdwatching. You can see migrant breeding birds and hear Cuckoos, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs in spring. In the winter, spot Fieldfares and Redwings in hedgerows, while Wildfowl and waders flock in large groups.

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Contact Brading Marshes

  • Brading Marshes, Sandown, Isle of White, PO36 0DY