
⚠ Please note: The Visitor Centre will be closed all day on 23rd October 2024 ⚠

The Ouse Washes forms the largest area of washland in the UK. Washland is grazing pasture that floods in the winter, which creates a rich habitat for a range of waterfowl and wading birds.

In winter, as the water floods the fields, Ouse Washes attracts thousands of ducks and Whooper Swans as they return from Iceland. Huge flocks of Wigeon are a daily sight, while Black-tailed Godwits arrive in their grey and white winter plumage.

Come the warmer spring months, the water returns to the river banks,  and we see hundreds of Snipe, Lapwings and Redshanks flocking to The Ouse Washes to breed. Garganey arrive in the UK from Africa, and Tree Sparrows can be seen flitting about the reserve. On a calm day, you might spot the ultramarine flash of a Kingfisher, and sunny evenings spent by the river are peaceful and relaxing.  

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