Birds and wildlife
Bombycilla garrulusGroup: waxwingsUK Conservation status:GreenHow to identify
The Waxwing is a plump bird, which is slightly smaller than a Starling. It has a prominent crest (head feathers that stick up). It's reddish-brown with a black throat, a small black mask around its eye, yellow and white in the wings and a yellow-tipped tail. It does not breed in the UK, but is a winter visitor. In some years, we see larger numbers of visiting Waxwings, called irruptions, when the population in their breeding grounds gets too big for the food available.Call

Patrik Åberg / xeno-canto
- Resident
- Passage
- Summer
- Winter

- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec