How to identify

Scaup are diving ducks with a resemblance to Tufted Ducks. Males have black heads, shoulder and breast, white flanks, a grey back and a black tail. Females are brown, with characteristic white patches around the base of the bill. In flight, they show white patches along the length of the back edge of the wing. Only a handful breed in the UK every year, making them our rarest breeding duck.



Lauri Hallikainen / xeno-canto


  1. Resident
  2. Passage
  3. Summer
  4. Winter
* This map is intended as a guide. It shows general distribution rather than detailed, localised populations.
  1. Jan
  2. Feb
  3. Mar
  4. Apr
  5. May
  6. Jun
  7. Jul
  8. Aug
  9. Sep
  10. Oct
  11. Nov
  12. Dec

Key facts

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