Reserve Closure

Some of our facilities will be closed on 18 September for an all staff meeting. The reserve trails will be accessible to visitors. Please check locally for more details. All facilities will reopen as normal on Thursday 19th September.


Beckingham Marshes is a thriving wet grassland and hay meadow reserve, found in the Trent Valley. At Beckingham Marshes, we work with a local grazier and the Environment Agency to encourage wetland wildlife to return.

The wet grazing marsh habitat we are working to re-establish provides ideal conditions for a host of species – particularly breeding wading birds, such as Lapwings and Redshanks – but also Skylarks, dragonflies and damselflies, amphibians and a variety of aquatic plants.

The reserve’s hedgerows provide a home for our thriving colony of Tree Sparrows, as well as food for winter thrushes, nesting sites for small birds and mammals and habitat for a variety of insects. A mix of native hedgerow species such as Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Damson create ideal habitat corridors along the boundaries of the site.

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