Cliffe Pools
CliffeClosed | Opens tomorrowSee opening timesMarvel at the magnificent array of water birds that rest, breed and feed at Cliffe Pools, with a backdrop of lagoons, pools and the River Thames beyond.
The open horizons of Cliffe Pools provide a brilliant birdwatching backdrop. Look out across the pools, lagoons and the River Thames beyond as waders and wildlfowl make the most of the wetland landscape. Spring sees breeding Avocets and Common Terns enjoying the saltwater pools, while summer brings a mix of migrant birds to the reserve. Autumn marks the arrival of winter thrushes and wintering waders, as songbirds depart for sunnier shores. As for winter, it’s busy season as vast flocks of ducks, Dunlins and Lapwings gather.
We carefully manage the reserve to create the ideal conditions for wildlife to thrive. This includes filling in some areas of the lagoons and pools to make them shallower and better suited for feeding ducks and waders. Clearing scrub and cutting back plant growth where needed helps keep our water birds happy.
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Contact Cliffe Pools RSPB Cliffe Pools, Salt Lane, Rochester, ME3 7SX 01634 222480