
Nestled between Leeds, York and Wakefield, Fairburn Ings is an exciting site for family activities and excellent wildlife watching. Over the last 60 years, Fairburn Ings has transitioned from coal face to wild place. An ex-industrial site rich in heritage, this reserve is now an important site for breeding and wintering wildfowl.

Collapsed land is now open water, reedbeds, wet grasslands and wet woodlands. Former coal spoil tips have been transformed into grasslands, deciduous woodlands and lagoons teeming with life. In recent years the reserve has become home to some of the UK’s rarest birds, including Bittern, Bearded Tit, Cetti’s Warbler, Little Egret and Spoonbill.

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Find out about school visits

Bring your science and geography lessons to life with our curriculum linked sessions run by our learning team on the reserve. We offer a variety of hands on, practical sessions which you can choose from. Find out more about our school visits here.

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