What's here? at Fowlmere
Available on site
Open daily, dawn-dusk.
35 spaces
1 Blue Badge space
No height restrictions
No lighting.
Cycle racks available.
Our accessible toilet is situated by the Welcome Centre.
The level, circular walk around our trails makes Fowlmere the perfect place for a stroll in nature with a pushchair. You and the little ones can spot wildlife from the boardwalk, taking in the beautiful environment across the reserve and fresh air as you go.
No stiles or steps on trail.
Most paths are on boardwalks and hard surfaces, designed to be wheelchair accessible. Other surfaces are uneven and can be soft and muddy after rain
One accessible, unisex toilet is available by the Welcome Centre.
Our three hides are a great place to spot the special wildlife here and offer outstanding views over Fowlmere, however you can see the wildlife on offer from our trails too. Drewer Hide, 200 m from car park. Access on level, hard surfaces. Individual chairs. Door latch.
Spring Hide, 500 m from car park. Access track less passable in wet conditions. Movable benches. Door latch.
Reedbed Hide, 800 m from car park. Access via steep staircase (12 steps) with handrail. Fixed benches. No door.
Brief opportunities for viewing wildlife on either side of the single-lane access track, but no parking.
Our reserve boasts 3 km(2 miles) of trails to help you explore this amazing landscape and the wildlife that calls it home. No stiles or steps on trail.
Most paths are on boardwalks and hard surfaces, designed to be wheelchair accessible. Other surfaces are uneven and can be soft and muddy after rain
Seats with backs and arms at regular intervals.
Our picnic areas are located to the right-hand side as you enter the reserve, towards the Welcome Hut. We have a number of other benches around the nature reserve.
Help keep this place safe and special for wildlife and people by taking your litter home with you.
Our volunteer staffed Visitor Centre is open on an ad hoc basis; our friendly team are on hand to welcome you safely on arrival. Reception area (on one level) 40 m from the car park.
Volunteer staffing on most weekends.
Not available on site
We don't have any baby changing facilities here. The nearest public baby change facilities are in Royston, around 6 miles away.
BBQs are a fire risk, endangering other people and the precious wildlife and habitats here. They are not permitted on the reserve at any time.
Dogs on leads can use only the private track along the eastern reserve boundary. Sorry, dogs are not permitted on the rest of the reserve, except assistance dogs, due to the sensitive wildlife and habitats here.
Assistance dogs are welcome in all parts of the reserve.