Loch Lomond
GartocharnOpenSee opening timesAs well as spectacular views of this famous loch, you’ll get to explore woodland, grassland and all of the wildlife that lives there. Join us for a guided walk or an evening looking for bats. Visit our Nature Hub to discover even more.
This reserve is set in a stunning mix of woodlands and wetlands on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. Breathtaking views and a diverse mix of habitats provide an excellent opportunity to view a variety of wildlife.
The mix of habitats found here are what make it such a diverse place for wildlife. The woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands provide food and shelter for a range of creatures.
Each season brings with it its own nature spectacle and the opportunity to experience something new. In spring, the air is filled with song as birds compete to establish territories and attract a mate.
In summer, look out for young birds making their first forays into the outside world beyond the nest. Autumn brings large movements of migrating birds – some heading south to a warmer climate, others seeking refuge in the UK from the cold Arctic winter. In winter, look out for large flocks gathering to feed, or flying at dusk to form large roosts to keep warm.
Please be aware that there are livestock present.
At a glance
Pushchair Accessible
Contact Loch Lomond
loch.lomond@rspb.org.uk Loch Lomond, High Wards Farm, Gartocharn, West Dunbartonshire, G83 8SB 01389 830670 07712697721