All about volunteering
At the RSPB, there are so many ways you can volunteer and take action to help save nature. Here you’ll find lots of help...
In this guide we share all you need to know about Assemble, our dedicated website for volunteers.
Assemble is designed to help you engage with the RSPB, your team and other volunteers, and help us support you to take action for nature.
It has everything you need to make the most of your volunteering experience:
Our dedicated app makes it easy to access Assemble on the move. Just search for ‘RSPB Volunteering by Assemble’ in your app store. Download the app, log in, and manage your volunteering, all while out and about.
To access Assemble, you can use your computer, tablet or smartphone. All you need is an internet connection and a browser (such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari). Alternatively you can use the mobile app.
Yes, keeping your data safe is our top priority. Assemble is fully compliant with appropriate UK data protection legislation. On top of that, you can manage your own data in Assemble.
If you want to know the legal details of how we look after your data, you can read our volunteers’ privacy policy here.
To log in, go to Assemble at https://volunteer.rspb.org.uk/auth/login and enter your email address and password.
How you get your password will depend on how you were first registered on Assemble.
If you first registered with us by applying for one of our opportunities online, then you will have chosen your own password when you set up your application. Simply log in here, using your email address and the password you chose.
If you have been added to our system manually without applying for an opportunity online, you will have received a welcome email from us, inviting you to Assemble.
If you have any problems logging in, see our ‘Issues with logging in’ section below.
Please note, if you want to use the Assemble app, your first log in must be via the desktop site. Once you’ve done this, you can then go ahead and use the app.
On your first visit to Assemble, please:
To do this, click your profile icon (the round button containing your initials or photo) in the top right corner and click ‘View profile details’. Then click the different tabs in your profile (Details, Skills & Interests, Contacts etc) to view them.
This is important to ensure we know who to contact in an emergency. You can do this by clicking the ‘Contacts’ tab in your profile and scrolling down to ‘Emergency Contacts’.
If you opt in, other volunteers will be able to see you in the directory and on their ‘Near me’ map, and contact you on Assemble. Don’t worry, Assemble will never share your contact details or exact location. You are automatically opted in when your account is created.
To opt out of the volunteer directory and ‘Near me’ feature, click your profile icon (round button) in the top right corner of the Assemble website and select ‘View profile details’. Then click the ‘Contacts’ tab.
Check out the Document Hub, where we have a range of guidance documents on a variety of topics, such as logging your hours, using rotas, or accessing your training.
If you need help with Assemble, you can always ask your line manager or use the Contact Us page on Assemble.
If you can’t find or never received your welcome email, please speak to your line manager. They will ask for another welcome email to be sent to you.
If the welcome email has been resent but you still can’t see it in your inbox:
If you have forgotten your password, please follow the instructions below:
If you can’t remember which email address you used to sign up to Assemble or it seems to be incorrect, please contact your line manager. They will be able to check the email address on your profile.
Even if you don’t have an email address, you will still have an Assemble account as it is a requirement for all of our volunteers. Please ask your line manager for help with updating your details, signing up to volunteer shifts or keeping updated with RSPB news.
If you have left your volunteering role(s) within the RSPB, your account will automatically become inactive, and you will no longer be able to access Assemble.
If you would like to resume volunteering and reactivate your account, please speak to your line manager. Alternatively, you can search and apply for other volunteering roles on our website.
All volunteer accounts are registered to your personal email address.
Please do not change your personal email address to your RSPB email address on your volunteer profile.
If you still need help with your issue, please speak to your line manager.
You can also use the Contact Us page on Assemble or email assemble@rspb.org.uk to contact the Assemble support team.