Discover the secret lives of Swifts and how you can help them
Swifts are remarkable birds, spending most of their lives on the wing. But with numbers plummeting, they need our help.

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A Swift darts across the sky, looking for a safe place to nest and raise her family. But everywhere she goes she finds her way blocked. And time is running out.
A safe place to nest
She’s been on an epic journey, flying thousands of miles from east Africa – never once landing. She eats, drinks, sleeps and mates on the wing. When she finds her nest, it’ll probably be the first solid thing she’s touched in months.
She knows exactly what she’s looking for. She swoops low around the rooftops, but the crevice she nested in last year – and the year before that – has been sealed up. All she needs is a tiny gap. But with every draughty hole that’s plugged, a potential nest site is lost.

It’s a serious situation
Swifts not only mate for life, but they’re faithful to their nest sites too. These loyal birds return every year to raise a new generation of chicks. But if they can’t find places to nest, their already dwindling population will likely continue to decline. Swifts declined by 62% between 1995 and 2021. And if we don’t act fast, they could disappear from our skies altogether.
After days of unsuccessful searching, our Swift finally spots a gap in the wall of a house. She banks sharply to make another pass, before disappearing inside. Snug and watertight, the cavity couldn’t be more perfect – in fact, it was designed that way. Our lucky Swift has discovered a special Swift brick that was added by the house's owners to make their home more wildlife friendly.
It's just one of the ways we can help prevent the Swifts’ further decline.
Across the UK, RSPB members and volunteers are protecting existing nest sites and providing new ones. They’re installing nest boxes in church towers, adding Swift bricks to homes, and monitoring nest sites. They’re working with local authorities to make sure Swifts are considered when planning new housing. And they’re helping discover and target new areas that need protection.
Together, we can keep Swifts in our skies
With your support, we can make sure no Swift returns to find their nest site gone. When you become an RSPB member, you’ll be helping protect some of the UK’s most at-risk species, preserving existing habitats and creating new ones. Just £5 a month will help power our conservation work and bring more people closer to our precious wildlife.

Help save UK nature. Join us today.
Look inside a Swift nestbox
Follow the exploits of our Swift pair, Mart and Martha II, throughout the 2024 nesting season. From nesting to fledging chicks, enjoy three months in thirty seconds!