Reserve Closure

Some of our facilities will be closed on 18 September for an all staff meeting. The reserve trails will be accessible to visitors. Please check locally for more details. All facilities will reopen as normal on Thursday 19th September.


With the mountains of southern Eryri (Snowdonia) to the north and the Cambrian mountains to the south, once you enter the Ynys-hir reserve, you’ll be surrounded by beauty. And the birds agree, it’s a haven for waders, ducks and geese.

Ynys-hir treats you to a variety of habitats: Welsh Oak woodland, estuary saltmarsh, lowland wet grasslands, freshwater pools, reedbeds and peat bog. The sheer variety here means there’s a whole host of wildlife to spot too. Pied Flycatchers, warblers, Small Red Damselflies, Brimstone butterflies, Otters, Common Lizards, Slow Worms, and Grass Snakes all call this patch home. Binoculars at the ready.

The reserve covers an area of 800 hectares containing some really important sites for wildlife. Our team of wardens and volunteers carefully manage these habitats to restore a conifer plantation into an active peat bog habitat. By supporting this habitat, we’re safeguarding England and Wales' only wintering population of Greenland White-fronted Geese.

At a glance

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