
After a woodland walk near Slough? You won't find a much more peaceful place for quiet stroll than Church Wood. In the spring, dappled sunshine shines through the treetops onto the Bluebell glades, but there are wildlife delights to discover here all year round. Take a circular walk for the best chance of seeing our most common residents, including Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, Robins, Thrushes and Buzzards.

With help from our local volunteers, we’re managing the woodland so that wildlife can thrive and visitors can enjoy their walks. Where we can, we leave dead wood as natural habitats for wildlife. Non-native trees like Sycamore grow rapidly and can shade out other species, so we remove or thin these. The meadow is mown each year to let wildflowers flourish and grass mowings are piled up to create sun-basking spots for insects and reptiles . 

The woodland's glades and rides are kept as open spaces to let the light in for butterflies and other insects. In summer, volunteers work to make sure our network of paths doesn't become overrun by plants and we also check regularly to make sure fallen trees don’t block the way.

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