Eight ways birds beat bitter weather
We look at eight strategies birds employ to get them through the colder months.
Your response has been amazing. Since we launched our Nature Can’t Wait campaign a few weeks ago thousands of you have taken action, asking politicians to commit to urgent action for nature. Here’s the breakdown of the action you’ve taken.
The Nature Can’t Wait campaign began in September following the publication of the latest State of Nature report. The report said that 1,500 wildlife species we have data on are now threatened with extinction across England, Wales, and Scotland. In Northern Ireland 281 species are threatened with the same fate. Across the UK, only 14% of wildlife habitats are in good condition. The report made it very clear that time is running out. We can’t wait any longer. If we’re going to see change on the scale needed to protect and restore the UK’s wildlife and wild places, politicians must act now.
Since we launched, thousands of passionate people have spoken up for our natural world. You have contacted politicians all across the UK directly, asking them to put in place the solutions which can help nature bounce back. The campaign had different asks for people living in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as each country has different laws and policies which impact nature in different ways.
The only way nature across the UK is going to recover and then thrive is if enough passionate people speak up for it. By being part of the Nature Can’t Wait campaign you’ve done exactly that. Thank you. Together we have the power to persuade politicians to do the right thing for nature, and ourselves.
The e-actions for our Nature Can’t Wait Campaign have now closed, but there are many ways you can play a part in our Nature Can’t Wait campaign. For ideas, tips and advice, including how to contact your local media or arrange a face-to-face meeting with your elected representative, visit our Nature Can’t Wait pages.
The RSPB has been speaking up for nature for more than 100 years. It’s at the heart of all that we do. If you would like to join us as a campaigner just click on the link below.