
Sounds of... Coastal Cliffs

The Sounds of Coastal Cliffs surround you with the calls, cackles, shouts and seductive songs of the birds which love living life on the edge.

A pair of Razorbills, sat on a rocky cliff face, with bright blue water in the background and pink flowers in the foreground.
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The number of birds here can be vast in spring and summer, creating an eclectic rhapsody of sound which soaks the senses like ocean spray. We hope this guide will help you to pick out and identify the sounds of some of these amazing birds as you wander across headlands this spring and summer. Of course, many of our more common birds also live here, and you can hear their songs in the Sounds of Parks and Gardens and Sounds of Parks and Gardens Tits and Finches pages.

Rock Pipit

Named after their preferred habitat, not their music taste, these brown-backed birds look like a little Song Thrush. They’re often seen hopping and running over rocky coastline looking for food.

More of a mousey squeak than a seductive serenade, with the same “peep” repeated numerous times.


A slimline brown and grey finch, the male’s red breast and forehead look like they have been dabbed on by a toddler. The female managed to escape before the child got too close.

A Linnet perched on a branch checks out the camera.
A joyful fluid song which sounds like a bird enjoying himself. The melodic whistling is interspersed with bright trills and cheerful chirps which sparkle like summer rain.


The male looks a like a Robin in a balaclava, with a bright orange chest offset by a black head and a white collar. The female is browner, with a more subtle orange breast. 

A lone male Stonechat perched on a branch eating a grub.
Male Stonechat

A bit angry, with four or more shouty notes linked together in phrases of a couple of seconds. More distinctive is its call which gives the Stonechat its name, as it sounds like two stones being rubbed together.


The Jackdaw may be our smallest crow, but it got the looks, with its bright eyes and a neck scarf of shimmering grey. Keeps its friends close, living in communal roosts, where they’ve been known to accessorise nests with the odd shiny trinket.

A pair of Jackdaw perched on a branch together.
“Jack, Jack, Jack” is their name and they like telling you about it, repeating it over and over to anyone who will listen.


The dapper Razorbill is a fan of two-tone, going black above and white below. Its thickset bill carries on the theme with a flashy white stripe.

A lone Razorbill stood in amongst rocks with Sand Eels in their mouth.
Sounds a little like an angry old-fashioned kettle being taken on and off the boil, which makes us think of one thing: tea and cake.


A seabird city regular, they dress appropriately, in formal dark brown and white. Sometimes they accessorise with a thin white line and eye ring like a pair of spectacles. Their slender beak is the best way to tell them apart from the similar Razorbill.

A forced hysterical laugh like they’re shouting “AHHHH HAHAHAHAH” at some unfortunate passing pigeon. Often heard as part of a large group, all joining in with the mockery.

Herring Gull

A big self-confident gull smartly dressed in pale grey and white. Has a bright yellow beak with a red spot and pink legs with webbed feet. Equally at home on cliffs or at your local seaside resort.

A pair of Herring Gulls shouting in morning light whilst swimming.
Herring Gull
The sound of the seaside. A series of squawky laughs, piercing calls and cries which make us think instantly of fish and chips, soggy dogs and pretending it is much warmer than it actually is.


Gentler looking than the larger Herring Gull, with dark eyes and a smaller style of beak. Goes for matching black legs and wingtips, which look like they have been dipped in ink.

Seems annoyed by the fact you even considered for one moment they might be another type of gull. Their name is “kitti wake, kitti wake, kitti wake” of course.

Feral Pigeon

The Feral Pigeon, or Rock Dove, originated on coastal cliffs before setting out on its great urban adventure. Comes in many shades. The wild Rock Doves, which still live on the northwest islands of Scotland and Northern Ireland, are mainly grey with a shimmering purple and green neck scarf.  

A Pigeon walking along a rock
A quiet “c-c-c-coo” which sounds like an embarrassed giggle, as if they have seen something they shouldn’t have.

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A stylish member of the crow family, decked out in black, which contrasts with its bright red legs and beak. A brilliant acrobat, its aerial displays can be seen along the west coasts of Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Cornwall.

A lone Chough peering over grass whilst stood on the side of a cliff.
A clear loud “cheeow, cheeow” call which is higher in pitch than the Carrion Crow, but can still make you jump.


Spectacular large seabird which is mostly white, with black wing tips and a blonde Elton John-style wig. Nests on cliffs at sporadic locations around the coast, where it can be seen diving deep into the waves to feed.  

Gannets on a nest at the edge of a cliff.
They may have the Elton wig, but they don’t have the melodies, instead opting for a call which sounds a bit like a car trying to start with a dodgy battery.


A large, stocky and superfast falcon which has the air of a stylish gent. They wear a blue-grey suit with a black and white striped shirt beneath, their face white with a big black moustache. Legs and beak of a golden hue complete the look.  

A lone Peregrine Falcon perched on a rock with a dusty orange background.
Peregrine Falcon
A confident cackle by someone who knows they are the fastest thing on earth. Their boastful call is repeated over and over as they survey their world from way up high.


The clown of the cliffs, the parrot of the precipice, whatever your take on the Puffin, it’s a bird that dares to be different. Their formal black DJs and white shirts are offset by their big orange feet and brilliantly bright yellow, blue and red bills.  

Group of 5 puffins stood on the grassy edge of a cliff, with the ocean in the background.
Imagine the sound of a very small cow, or one which is just very far away. Or maybe a slowed-down version of Alan Partridge doing his signature “Ah ha!”.
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